Has it really almost been 2 months since my last post?!?!? Well, needless to say, this past 2 months of training has been very challenging, yet rewarding. It's been challenging because I've never trained with this large of volume and intensity.
After hard training and coaching, the last thing I want to do is write about my training daily to be honest. HA!
Well, I'm checking in and decided to post a couple videos from our last prep meet leading into Cal State Championships next month. I finished with a 108kg snatch and a 121kg clean & jerk. The snatch was a 3kg meet PR, and the c&j was a 2kg meet PR and 1kg all time PR! Even with those PR's, however, I still left I should've made my final attempts in each lifts. I'll definitely be able to improve on my total come next month!
I'm having troubles uploading the videos, but here's my best snatch, and here's my best clean & jerk.