Monday, February 25, 2013

The "Taper" Begins - Training Progression: Week 14, Day 1

1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%

Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%

Clean Pull
3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 90%

Front Squat
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Daily Volume: 33
Weekly Volume: 33

A week and a half out from our meet, so the tapering begins this week.  It will be really interesting to see how my body starts to feel with both the reduction in volume AND intensity.  I still feel confident in the snatch, but a little weary with my clean & jerk.  For some reason, I've always been able to step up my game come competition time, so I need to keep my mental game on point.

With a little less time training, I'm going to make a concerted effort to work on recovery - soft tissue work, contrast hydrotherapy, and compression.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Coaching Takes a Priority - Training Progression: Week 13, Day 1-2

Day 1

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 100%

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 100%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 100%

1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 100%

Front Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 100%

Daily Volume: 43
Weekly Volume: 43

Day 2

1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%

Front Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

4 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 31
Weekly Volume: 74

Well, first time blogging since Sunday.  I was planning on training on Monday, but had a surprisingly very busy and full day of coaching, so I couldn't fit anything in.

I was able to train yesterday, but had to be cut short to coach.  Yesterday's coaching and training seemed to really take it out of me.  My body just felt worn out and just crappy.

Today's training was lighter volume and felt good.  I went 1 for 2 in each of my lifts at 85%.

While at times I may initially get annoyed that I can't fit training in, coaching takes a priority.  Ultimately, it's the development of my athletes, not of myself that is more important at this point in my life.  At times I need to realize that I have a career as a coach and not as an athlete anymore!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

An Athlete's Approach to Training

The development of an athlete's strength, conditioning and mobility is a VERY important aspect of success in that athlete's career.  It's the base of the pyramid in the hierarchy of athletic development.  So as a strength & conditioning coach, it is our responsibility to impress upon our athlete's the importance of the work they do in the weight room because sometimes athlete's lose sight of the why.

Collegiate athlete's have a LOT on their plate.  Practice, games and competitions, class, papers, mid-terms and exams, learning to live on their own, relationship issues, and lastly, training in the weight room.  Because of this, our work goes beyond programming and technical coaching.  It goes further into managing emotions and motivation, teaching life lessons, connecting on a personal level with your athletes, and sometimes just listening. In a sense, our work is arguably more psychological than physiologic (hat tip to Coach Wendell Richards for this one!).

When a team enters into its season, training in the weight room can be the last thing on an athlete's list of priorities with everything that's going on in their lives.  Additionally, the mentality to back off and not continue to push and work hard can creep in because athlete's feel they need to be "fresh" for a game or meet, even at the start of one's season.

This is where it becomes our responsibility to remind our athlete's about the mental approach they need to have towards training.  As an athlete, you need to come into a training session with a killer mentality ready to attack the sets and reps with tenacity, grit and mental toughness.  This mentality has great transferability to team practices and ultimately games, meets or competitions.  It all starts here.

"Coach, can we back off the weights a little this week?" If you have a must win game, you're close to conference championships or postseason competition- then sure- keep the general intensity, but lower the volume.  The week of a scrimmage, time trial or something similar 1.5 months before your first competition? Are you kidding me?!?!? F that! When you're in the weight room, it's time to work, it's time grind, it's time to get better and improve!  Any good program should factor in volume and intensity to account for sufficient recovery at any point in the training cycle anyways.

Athlete's have to realize the importance of training hard and being a mental giant when it comes to their training, especially in the off season, preseason, and early stages of the competitive season.  You can't expect to peak and perform at a high level by backing off too soon.

If you want a strong foundation to build a successful athletic career on, you must continually develop and strengthen that foundation of strength, conditioning and mobility.  An athlete is leaving a lot on a table in terms of development and potential if a poor foundation exists due to lack of experience or desire.  As a strength coach, we can develop, build and strengthen this foundation from both a physiological and psychological stand point!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Good to Be Back on a Wood Platform - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 6

1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%

Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 2 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 2 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 2 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 2 Jr. @ 85%

Front Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%

Push Press
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 70%

Clean Pulls
5 Sets of 2 Reps @ 100%

Daily Volume: 53
Weekly Volume: 232

I know I've touched on this before, but lifting on a wood platform makes such a huge difference when compared to a rubber platform.  I just feel so much faster under the bar.  Once again, I missed by 95% front squat, but hit everything else.

Friday, February 15, 2013

First Met-con in Months - Training Progression - Week 12, Day 5

Back Squat
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
4 Sets of 3 Reps @ 80%

Seated Press
4 Sets of 4 Reps

Daily Volume: 34
Weekly Volume: 179

Today was supposed to be an active rest day that consisted of some squats and seated press.  Felt good to get some more volume in with the squats!  Just when I thought I was done, I got roped into doing a circuit we had planned for the men's water polo team.  It was the following:

2 Rounds:
15yd Prowler Pull/15yd Prowler Push(low bar)
20 Overhead Lunges w/ 45# Bag
20 Curls/20 Overhead Tricep Extensions w/ 45# Plate
20 Tire Pushes w/ Partner
20 KB Swings (24kg)
10 Trap Deadlifts (110kg)
-2 mins rest-

I was a little smoked.  HAHA!  First real met-con since September sometime.  Felt good to get some conditioning in though on a light day of lifting.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tonight's a Short One - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 4

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%

Front Squat + Jerk
1 Set of 2 F.S. + 2 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 2 F.S. + 2 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 2 F.S. + 2 Jr. @ 85%

Snatch Pull from Deficit
4 Sets of 2 Reps @ 105%

Good Morning
4 Sets of 4 Reps

Daily Volume: 54
Weekly Volume: 145

Tonights going to be short.  I'm pretty exhausted from another long, but awesome, day of coaching.  Between standing on my feet all day coaching and the reduction in squatting volume, I don't feel especially strong right now.  Once I get over 90%, I have to be in the zone and really amped up to make the lifts.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another off day, but I'm going to squat.  It's more of a confidence issue than anything else.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jumps w/ the Bar + High Hang Power Clean - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 3

Snatch Pull from Deficit
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 100%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 105%

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 100%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 105%

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 100%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 105%

Clean Pull from Deficit
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 100%

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 100%

1 Set of 3 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 100%

Bench Press
4 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 42
Weekly Volume: 133

A good "active rest" day.  Took me a couple sets to get rolling on the deficit pulls, but felt strong and fast once things started going.  I'll be pulling from a deficit for the next couple weeks to work on my speed off the floor, which has felt slow as of late.

Felt stronger on bench, however, finishing up my last two sets at 86kg.  This happens to be the most I've benched.  EVER. HAHAHA!  At least there's room for a crap ton of improvement!

Aside from a light training day, I had a HEAVY coaching day.  LOVE IT!  Today with the crew team, we kept up work on the clean.  I programmed sets and reps of jumps with the bar + high hang power clean.

When teaching the clean, or the snatch for that matter, I like to use 1-3 jumps before doing the actual movement.  This drill helps with the motor unit learning pattern of the clean because it reinforces the need to drive your legs in order to create vertical propulsion on the bar and extend the hips.  I find that athletes have an easier time getting the idea of finishing tall when doing this early in the learning process.

These girls are learning quickly and progressing well, so I'm very pleased.  I'm really looking forward to seeing their improvement by the end of the semester!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Jerks and Squats Felt Solid Today - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 2

Power Snatch
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 65%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 75%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 65%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%

Power Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 1 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 65%
1 Set of 1 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 75%
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 65%
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%

Back Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Reps @ 95%

Push Press
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 70%

Daily Volume: 41
Weekly Volume: 91

Even though the weight was lighter, this was the second day in a row that my jerks felt really solid.  Let's hope this keeps up as the weight gets heavier.  I missed my 95% squat, but felt solid on the others, which I was happy about.  As crazy as it seems, I miss the higher volume of squatting.  While I may be more fatigued, I just feel stronger.

Tomorrow is an active recovery day that will just consist of pulls and torso work.  I'm hoping to get a more fruitful post in tomorrow evening.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Training - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 1

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%

Front Squat
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 90%

3 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 50
Weekly Volume: 50

Well, after a great Saturday of PR's, I followed it up with a mediocre performance today. HA!  I only hit my first attempt at 85% for the snatch.  Surprisingly enough, my clean & jerks felt solid until I couldn't even get under my first attempt at 95%.  From there, I missed my second jerk at 90% and again couldn't get under 95%.  I had some real trouble in both lifts really moving my feet quickly and into the right place.

The highlight of the day, however, were my jerks!  First time they've consistently felt solid for the first time in a while!

Today was a perfect example of the ups and downs of training as a weightlifter. I followed up a HUGE day with a crappy one, as well as coming back in today's session to crush my jerks after having troubles with the other lifts.

When it comes to the clean, my focus moving forward will be with trying to catch the bar higher and really drive up once I met it - similar to what I did on Saturday when I surprised myself by power cleaning 110kg.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

HUGE PR's Today - Training Progression: Week 11, Day 5

Work to Max:
108kg (F)
108kg (F)
108kg - PR NATION

Clean & Jerk
Work to Max:
120kg - PR NATION

Front Squat
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Daily Volume: 26
Weekly Volume: 140

Today was a day of some BIG PR's.  I ended up hitting a 108kg snatch, a 110kg power clean & jerk, and 120kg clean & jerk.  The hard work over this training progression is paying off.  We have about a month left, and I've increased my snatch by 6kg, c&j by 5kg, back squat by 5kg and front squat by 5kg.

Getting past the 120kg barrier for c&j was a big mental breakthrough too.  We'll see if gains can come a little bit easier now that I've broken past a mental barrier.  The same thing happened after I broke the 100kg barrier with my snatch.  Looking forward to seeing what I can do March 9th at our next meet!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nice Easy Day Today - Training Progression: Week 12, Day 3

Power Snatch
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 65%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 75%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 65%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 75%

Back Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%

4 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 33
Weekly Volume: 114

So the taper continues for Saturday's max out day!  Not much to discuss about training, but I did come across this blog, Push The Ground, today.  While there doesn't seem to be any recent posts, it's still a good read.  The authors, two strength coaches from University of Virginia, have an Olympic weightlifting and mental toughness focus as it relates to collegiate strength & conditioning.  AWESOME!

I love the title of the blog, as the "cue" of pushing the ground when performing the lifts is of the upmost importance!  If you remember, I blogged about that here.  Take a read and enjoy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Progressing My Team - Training Progression: Week 11, Day 2

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
3 Sets of 1 Rep @ 85%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
2 Sets of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%

Front Squat
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%

Clean Pull from Blocks Below the Knee
4 Sets of 2 Reps @ 100%

Daily Volume: 31
Weekly Volume: 81

Snatches felt off today, as I went 1 for 3 at 85%, but nailed my clean & jerks.  It's been a while since both my lifts were clicking at the same time.  I will change that soon!  Front squats felt stronger than yesterday, as my upper back wasn't rounding like a turtle shell at 90% as it did last night.

I'm really excited for tomorrow.  First, it's an active rest day, so I'll be doing some torso work and mobility/soft tissue.  Gotta love recovery days!  More importantly, however, I'm progressing my women's crew team to the hang power clean!

For the past two weeks, I've been having them jump, jump with a bar and clean pulling from the hang.  I'm actually surprised at how well they've picked up the movement patterns as a group, so I'm going to see how things go when implementing the hang power clean.  I'm confident in my ability as a coach and the athlete's ability to learn, that it shouldn't be a train wreck. HA!

I'll check back in later in the week with a post about it along with some take aways and cues that both I and my athletes are receptive and react well too.

Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm Feeling A Snatch PR Coming Soon! - Training Progression: Week 11, Day 1

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Clean & Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%

1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 95%

Front Squat
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 80%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 85%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 100%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 90%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 95%

Seated Barbell Press
4 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 50
Weekly Volume: 50

I am feeling a really big break snatch PR around the corner.  Today, I made 2 out of 3 snatches at 95%, and my only miss of the day was lost behind me.  All in all a solid day for the snatch.  The clean & jerks were just ok.  I made all my lifts up to my 90%, but got pinned both times at 95%.  On the first rep, my weight shifted too far back.  The pull on my second attempt was much better, but I just didn't have the legs in me today to stand it up.

Since today was a busy day of coaching, I had to finish the rest of the workout later in the evenings at Sean's.  Wasn't feeling front squats today. HA!  Ended up missing my 95%, didn't take a stab at 100%, and missed 90% and 95% again.

On the seated barbell press, I worked up to 60kg for my final 2 sets.  I can really feel my lower abdomen working during this exercise.  I'm hoping this will help carry over to my clean!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

To Improve the Jerk, You Must Jerk

Hat tip to Waxman's Gym for linking to this article earlier on their Facebook page.  As a side note, if you haven't figured it out yet, Sean is a great resource of information.  If you're in the LA area, it's a MUST that you take advantage of his coaching and knowledge.  If you're not in the LA area, use his "research library" or "blog" on his website and follow him and the gym on Facebook.

Anyways, the article I linked above, Essential Components Weightlifting Technique: Part IV - More About the Jerk, is a very in depth look into the development of the jerk.

The long and the short of it is that over development of the shoulders and arms can ultimately be detrimental to the jerk.  While pressing and push pressing are essential accessory exercises, especially early on in the training process of a lifter due to the development of overhead stability, the initial leg drive (for push press), and overall torso strength, they can hinder an elite weightlifters jerk if the exercises are more than 10% of overall training volume.

A couple of the reasons, among others, were as follows:

1) Greater upper body strength has the potential to lead to more of a reliance on using the arms too soon or too much as opposed to a reliance on the reactive strength of the legs.  This can also transfer over to a premature arm bend in the pulls of both the snatch and the clean.  The article stresses that it is better to have a "pear shaped" body, i.e. more developed legs than shoulders and arms.  The reactive strength needed for the jerk starts with the legs and is the most crucial aspect.
2)  The mechanics of the press and push press are different from that of the jerk, so a greater focus on the two former can detract from the technical progress of the latter.

Again, this is not to discourage the implementation of press and push presses, but to make you aware that as you develop as a weightlifter with adequate torso strength, the focus of overhead work should transfer from the presses to the classic jerk.

Off topic, here's a video below of some legit lifts for you to geek out to:

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Wood Platforms Make a Difference - Training Progression: Week 10, Day 5

1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 80%
3 Sets of 2 Reps @ 85%

Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 80%
2 Sets of 2 Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 85%

Snatch Pull from Blocks Below the Knee
4 Sets of 3 Reps @ 100%

Front Squat
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%

Daily Volume: 56
Weekly Volume: 299

It's amazing what a back down and volume, sleep and a wood platform will do for performance.  I felt fast and strong today after a good night sleep and finishing off the de-load week.  Lifting on a wood platform felt a lot better was well.

During the week, I train on rubber platforms.  While they aren't horrible, they aren't as good as wood for these reasons: 1) wood allows you to produce more force into the ground due to the harder surface, and 2) your feet get "stuck" on the rubber and can't move as fast in the transition under the bar than with a wooden platform.  Today, I could really feel my feet moving faster.  I also think the muscle snatch work in the warm ups has helped my transition under the bar too.

Maybe it's a good thing I'm training on a rubber floor, so when it come time for competition, I can move that much faster.  We'll see...

Friday, February 1, 2013

This De-load Week Has Been Needed - Training Progression: Week 10, Day 4

Power Snatch
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 1 Rep @ 75%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 65%

Power Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 70%
1 Set of 1 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 75%
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 2 P.Cl. + 1 Jr. @ 65%

Back Squat
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 70%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 85%
1 Set of 3 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 2 Reps @ 85%

4 Sets of 3 Reps

Daily Volume: 52
Weekly Volume: 243

I decided to take yesterday off, as I was pretty exhausted from the week. I ended up going to sleep at 8:00pm. HA! Don't remember the last time that happened!  Sad thing is that I barely got 8 hours of full sleep from going to sleep that early!  Don't get me wrong, I love what I'm doing, but my body is still adjusting to the longer hours of coaching PLUS training hard.

This de-load week has been much needed.  Not only have I been coaching MUCH more, but my training the past 2 months has been pretty intense.  I'm hoping my body can recover and see some gains here in the next couple of weeks!