1 Set of 5 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 5 Reps @ 70%
5 Sets of 5 Reps @ 80%
1 Set of 4 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 4 Reps @ 70%
4 Sets of 4 Reps @ 80%
Clean + Jerk
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 3 Jr. @ 60%
1 Set of 1 Cl. + 3 Jr. @ 70%
3 Sets of 1 Cl. + 3 Jr. @ 80%
Snatch Pull from Blocks Below the Knee
1 Set of 4 Reps @ 85%
3 Sets of 4 Reps @ 95%
Push Press
1 Set of 4 Reps @ 60%
1 Set of 4 Reps @ 65%
3 Sets of 3 Reps @ 70%
Good Mornings
4 Sets of 8 Reps
Daily Volume: 144
Weekly Volume: 144
SMOKED today after squats alone! Had to rest about 10 mins from my last set of squats to my bar warm up for snatch. Last time I squatted 5x5 @ 80% was back in June, and it was 15kg lighter! I find that it takes my legs a while to warm up, so my first two sets at 80% were the hardest. During the last 3 sets, I focused on driving my hips forward as I came out of the sticking point, which helped.
Getting through all the squats was a huge confidence boost for me, but assumed the rest of training would be lack luster based on how much the squats took it out of me. Well, that's what happens when you assume. On my snatches, I felt like I was much more consistent at getting my hips to the bar faster. It also felt like I was receiving the bar in the right pace too, which was excellent. Didn't feel stuck at the bottom. I ended up going 20 for 24 on the day for snatches.
All but my last jerks felt solid. Funny how resilient the body is. Just when you think you don't have enough to push through something, if you keep focused, you can actually excel in whatever you're doing.
No content of me tonight, but I wanted to post this video I came across. It's part 1 of a 5 part series by Dan Pfaff that discusses speed and power development. While it uses track athlete's as the prime example, it crosses over to most power/speed athletes. Enjoy!
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